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12052017-13Director of Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production Centre (RECPC) Ihor Shylovych answered the questions of the Liga.net portal. According to Mr.Shylovych, nowdays rational use of resources is a challenge not only for the national enterprises, but also for the enterprises from Europe, Japan, the USA. “These countries have at their disposal a legislative framework that generates incentives for implementing resource efficiency. Thanks to the technical policy, which is being permanently developed and updated, resources’ costs are significantly reduced in kind. We need to study this experience. Last year, on the initiative of our Swiss partners, a study tour was organized for the Center's employees and representatives of the companies with which we cooperate. Thanks to this study tour, many participants have changed their mind regarding those production processes, which previously seemed to be so obvious and clear. Participants were strongly determined to implement the things they had learnt abroad at their enterprises."

The full version of the interview is available at: http://biz.liga.net/ekonomika/all/novosti/3687374-v-50-sluchaev-problemy-predpriyatiy-reshayutsya-bez-lishnikh-zatrat.htm

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