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IMG 9246The press-briefing with UNIDO representatives discussed the results of the UNIDO project “Promoting the Adaptation and Adoption of Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) through the Establishment and Operation of a Cleaner Production Centre (CPC) in Ukraine” and took place at the press center of LIGABusinessInform Information Agency.

The briefing was held on the eve of the High-Level Expert Group Meeting (EGM) “Resource Efficiency and Cleaner Production Policy: Fostering Green Industries in Ukraine”. The event will be hosted by Parkovyi Exhibition Center, on October 12th. The EGM aims to discuss and agree on requirements for the implementation of Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production in Ukraine to facilitate a regulatory framework in order to support green industries development.


In his presentation Heinz Leuenberger, UNIDO Chief Technical Adviser, emphasized that “Resource efficiency is now becoming as important as labor efficiency”.

“There is a plenty of human resources on the planet and thus we face unemployment. At the same time there is a shortage of fresh water, fossil fuels, metals and other resources. Therefore, the resource efficiency is becoming more and more important today and will soon be the key economy development factor”, reported Heinz Leuenberger.

More details: http://news.liga.net/news/economics/14836299-press_tsentr_eksperty_rasskazali_o_resursoeffektivnosti_v_ukraine.htm


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