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The first RECP Club training-seminar in Chernihiv

Chernihiv Club 1

The meeting of RECP club members in Chernigov region was conducted on October 7, 2015. The event was held in the format of the workshop-training and was devoted to the subject of drawing-up environmental profile of the enterprise.

The training was organized in the premises of Chernigov Regional State administration and continued for 3 hours 15 minutes with coffee break. The training was attended by representatives of 9 companies and also a representative of Chernigov Regional State Administration Vorobei Valerii, Deputy Head of Foreign Economic Activity.

At the beginning of the workshop, National Coordinator M. Tsybka took the floor with opening remarks.Then RECP Club Facilitator I. Omelchuk acquainted all the present with aims and objectives of RECP Club. Afterwards each of the participants presented their companies. After the dialogue with the participants, RECP Club Facilitator I. Omelchuk made presentation on the topic: Building the environmental profile.

The second part of the module was devoted to practical exercises where the trainees learnt skills of taking the companies' pulse, "The Environmental Weather Report” and Introduction of data collection worksheets.

After the practical exercises, the participants got tasks until the next workshop.

The training ended with a discussion. The training turned out to be quite productive, and the results of discussions gave the participants a lot of useful ideas for the implementation of the knowledge gained.

Agenda in Ukrainian

Agenda in English


Demonstration component "Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production" of "Greening Economies in the European Union's Eastern Neighbourhood" (EaP GREEN) programme funded by the European Union.

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