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The 2nd workshop seminar in Kharkiv

2tran-sem Kharkiv-2The meeting of members of the Resources Efficiency Club of Kharkiv region took place on October 27, 2015. At this event, the representatives of small and medium businesses were asked to be acquainted with the methods of efficient use of energy in production.

During the workshop seminar, the specialists addressed the following issues:

- Business risk associated with the inefficient use of energy

- Evaluation of energy losses in the production

- Typical options of energy efficiency for: compressed air, cooling, thermal systems, electrical motors, lighting, buildings.

- Development of the energy profile of the enterprise.

2tran-sem Kharkiv-1After the practical exercises, Club members were able to get expert advice from Yevgen Novakivsky.

The training ended with informative tour round the demonstration and education Energy Park "East", which collects and includes the wind generator, photovoltaic modules, heat pumps, solar collectors and recuperative ventilation systems.

Agenda in English


Demonstration component "Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production" of "Greening Economies in the European Union's Eastern Neighbourhood" (EaP GREEN) programme funded by the European Union.

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