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Study Tour in Switzerland 2016

14188603 534956116709114 9221809635680786133 oExperts of Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production Centre together with representatives from Ukrainian enterprices («Ukrgrafit», bank «Lviv») took part in Study Tour Switzerland 2016, which took place 22 -27 August 2016. Main purpose of study tour was acquaintance with implementation of the leading RECP methodology practices at the Swiss enterprises. In framework of study tour, participants had training on environmental consulting and life cycle assessment at the enterprises (LCA).

Ukrainian CP experts visited Swiss enterprises focused on manufacturing and consulting, such as Ueli Brauerei, Pouly Bakery, Sustainable Business Association, Basel incineration plant with heat recovery and district heating, Biogas Plant, Natural gas expansion plant, the Wander food, Carbotech AG. They had opportunity to see structure and operation of the enterprises from the inside, speak with employees and directors. Site visit were followed by seminars and presentations.

14196111 534955900042469 3233752004989595319 o

Study Tour resulted in mastering of the modern approaches to RECP implementation, which could be used during work with domestic enterprises in order to ensure resource efficiency of manufacturing processes, staff training, ensuring of sustainable development.


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