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Conference on "experience implementing methodology resource-efficient and cleaner production in enterprises Vinnitsa region"


Conference "Experience of introduction of resource efficient and cleaner production model in enterprises of Vinnitsa region" took place on the 29th of July in the city of Vinnitsa. The conference was organized by Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production Centre with the support of Vinnytsia Regional State Administration.

The conference focused on the results of implementation of the project aimed at introduction of resource efficient and cleaner production (RECP) methodology on the Ukrainian enterprises supported by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and implemented by RECP Centre.

Anatoliy Oliynyk, the Head of Vinnitsa Oblast State Administration, took part in the conference. The Head of the region told about key aspects of energy supply in Vinnytsia region. He drew attention of the conference participants to the fact that twenty-three years of Ukraine's independence did not result in resolution of the burning questions of energy independence as a part of energy security of the country.

"Today we face a lot of difficult problems. Many questions require reеthinking and finding of radically new approaches to be resolved. Our everyday life and economy is extremely energy-intensive. The regional government has committed itself to replace 109 gas boilers in public sector boilers operating by alternative fuel. It should result in achieving a 7% of gas saving", - said Anatoliy Oliynyk.

Only achieving energy independence will make Ukraine a nation with a worldwide reputation – summed up Mr. Oliynyk.

Lyudmyla Musina, the coordinator of the UNIDO projects in Ukraine, representative of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine, stressed that Vinnytsia region occupied a leading position in the country as regards implementation of resource-efficient production and new approaches to economic recovery in industry. She wished the conference participants to strengthen their potential and continue to be a model for other regions of the country.

The conference was also attended by experts from RECP Centre, international experts from Switzerland, representatives of educational and research institutions, local authorities and companies’ representatives which already have experience in successful implementation of RECP model. During the event, the participants shared their experiences of implementing RECP model at enterprises in Ukraine and abroad.

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