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Memorandum of Cooperation to support Platform for Green Economy Growth signed in Kyiv.

IMG 2017-04-04 173403On 4 April 2017 the Memorandum of Cooperation (MoC) to support Green Economy Growth Platform was signed in Kyiv. The Memorandum was signed by the Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production Center, the Centre “CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) Development”, Public Union “Global Agreement Network in Ukraine”, the Program to support green modernization of Ukrainian economy (performed by GIZ GmbH, The Green Economy Institute and the Trade Chamber of Commerce and Industry if Ukraine.

The Memorandum reports “Green economy is the momentum to push sustainable development forward. The future of Ukraine depends on its own ability to get the national economy modernized, to upgrade and improve national economy competitiveness, to master and utilize natural resources more efficiently while at the same time reducing environmental degradation.”


The Memorandum is a frame document for a long-term cooperation perspective in the following sectors:

1. Providing support to government officials, business and civil society in adapting the Sustainable Development Agenda-2030 with emphasis on Goal 8 (Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all) and Goal 9 (Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation).

2. Raising awareness of the importance of the Sustainable Development Agenda-2030 for business and civil society.

3. Promotion of green economy concepts and their advantages for the Ukrainian economy in general and for business in particular.

Within Memorandum framework the RECP Center has undertaken the following commitments:

- to actively participate in the formation and implementation of the Green Economy Growth Platform objectives;

- to assist in attracting industrial representatives, service providers, expert environment to the formation of the Green Economy Growth Platform objectives;

- to advise stakeholders, promote the ideas of the green economy, Agenda 2030 and disseminate relevant knowledge in Ukraine.

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