In 2016, as a part of RECP demonstration project under EaP GREEN programme, special Pocket Guides were prepared and published in the national languages of the six participating countries for specialists working in milk processing industry, as well as for chemicals industry specialists. To popularize these Guides, it was proposed to organise two on-line seminars for specialists in all EU Eastern Partnership countries.
Two on-line seminars “Modern Technologies and Processes of Milk Processing Aimed the Resources and Energy Efficient Use at European Milk Processing Factories” and “European approaches and options for the efficient and responsible chemicals management” were held on 4th July 2017. On-line seminars were organized and conducted by Belarusian Center for Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production in Minsk. Lecturer was UNIDO’s expert Johannes Fresner (Austria).
In Ukraine, the webinars were delivered by translation of Russian on line stream in class (RECP Centre Ukraine) and dissemination of links for individual connection. Audience was RECP experts and other specialists from consulting organizations, representatives from enterprises of mentioned branches (engineers, environmental managers, etc.).
Each on-line seminar had same structure: the set up of problem, demonstration of RECP approach, and examples of technical options for improving the situation at enterprise. Participants of in-class webinars used online chats for questions to lecturer. For example, big interest was to examples of the most efficient milk processing enterprises. Some topics were discussed in class. Participants demonstrated strong request in Guides with best technologies. In addition, many of participants emphasized the importance of similar seminar for other areas, e.g. for meat processing.