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IMG 1232On December 14, 2017 the Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production Centre organized and successfully carried out the conference “Resource Efficiency Outcomes In Kyiv Region”. Among various goals the conference key focus was concentrated on disseminating the experience in RECP concept implementation at industrial enterprises; demonstrating the best achievements and outcomes of the UNIDO international technical assistance project in Kyiv region; discussing project focal areas for further development based on the requests from local companies and industries.

Serhii Shukaiev, deputy head of the international cooperation department at Igor Sikorsky KPI noted in his opening speech: "The UNIDO Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production Project has become very significant and symbolic for our University. Nowadays RECP Centre acts as an important participant and component of the innovative ecosystem that is currently being developed at Igor Sikorsky KPI."

The vice chairman of the Swiss Cooperation Office Mr. Nicolas Guigas in his welcoming speech noted that the Project gained fruitful results. "And we expect successful cooperation will go on In the future. The RECP Centre’s activities are very important and crucial for Ukraine, in the first place. Consume less and produce more is the slogan of Ukrainian industry. Ukraine, like other countries worldwide, has been trying to support and push forward the industrialization process, ‘cause the mankind today addresses such a huge challenge as global warming," Nicolas Gigas added to his speech. Serhii Khudobin, the Department Director of Ukrainian League of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (ULIE) welcomed conference participants with warm and sincere greetings. He pointed the following "The ULIE leadership is ready for fully support the RECP Center action plan in six regions of Ukraine, where it has been already operating and hopefully will start activities in other regions soonest time." 

"I would like to thank the Resource Efficient and CLeaner Production Centre as it has proven to be the most active member of the Green Economy Platform. GIZ and RECP Centre are united with one common goal and we have been cooperating fruitfully so far. Our mutual portfolio of already carried out informational events and activities is quite big and we warmly welcome such efficient and productive cooperation", - commented Viktor Borysiuk, the Program to support the green modernization of Ukrainian, Economy Regional Coordinator.

Many representatives from industrial companies, core local municipal departments in Kyiv and the region as well as public communities attended the conference. They all were united with three top urgent issues in our society – energy saving, resource efficiency and environmental protection.

2017-12-14 RECP-12

The key part of the conference agenda was devoted to demonstrating RECP concept implementation outcomes in Kyiv region. Thus, in 2017the Centre:

  • Designed the melting kiln based on state-of-the-art thermal insulation materials and prepared its commissioning at the blacksmithing production;
  • Conducted energy audit for melting facilities followed by developing and implementing modernization options;
  • Carried out energy audit in the office building followed by elaborating thermal modernization options.

The anticipated cost savings due to implemented options are:

  • Electricity consumption reduction – by 2,306.3 MWh/year;
  • Heat loss reduction – by 14,722.23 MWh/year;
  • Material savings – 4,132.5 t/year;
  • Water consumption reduction – 1283,352 m³/year;
  • CO2 reduction – 3,668.8 t/year.

The conference ended up with the awarding ceremony. Companies “DISLA” and “Vyshnevskii cast and blacksmithing plant” were granted Certificated for the best results in implementing RECP concept among other enterprises in Kyiv city and Kyiv region.IMG 1480IMG 1319

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