In Ukraine the UNIDO Demonstration project focuses on construction materials’ sector as it has good development potential. Moreover, construction materials are overall fundamental for greening of buildings and sustainable urban and infrastructure development.
To harness the potential for economic, environmental and social benefits through widespread RECP implementation, the project supports the mainstreaming and scaling-up of RECP in the beneficiary countries, through the following three clusters of activities:
Second edition of the "Primer of successful business" includes overview of the main RECP advantages, which are aimed to increase business competitiveness, ways and approaches for RECP implementation at the enterprises. This primer takes into account opinion from the representatives of enterprises and expert organizations, which were expressed within 6 thematical forums.
Download primer "Principles and practices of the resource efficient production"
In the first stage of the project in Ukraine 5 enterprises participated in it as demonstrational. In the second stage 2015, another 8 enterprises joined.
Enterprises and other organizations that adopt RECP “do more with less": they increase the efficiency with which they use materials and energy; they improve its productivity and thus its competitiveness; and they reduce the amount of pollution and waste that they generate.
The business cases of Ukrainian companies that took part in the project and implemented UNIDO methodology "Resource efficient and cleaner production" demonstrates the effectiveness of the RECP approach and its economic benefits:
Business cases 2014 (in Ukrainian)
Business cases 2014 (in English)
Business cases 2015-2016 (in Ukrainian)
Business cases 2015-2016 (in English)
In a framework of “Greening Economies in the European Union's Eastern Partnership Countries” (EaP GREEN) and demonstration RECP component, which is executed by UNIDO, was evaluated and represented the publication “Techniques and Practices of Resource Efficient Production. Primer of Successful Business”.
The aim of the primer is to make industrial enterprises acquainted with techniques and practices of Resources Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) implementation. The primer contains adopted terminology, which explains targets, problems, phases of implementation and benefits of RECP, examples of successful practices at the national enterprises and the widespread solutions of main problems, related to resource efficiency.
You can load the primer “Techniques and Practices of Resource Efficient Production. Primer of Successful Business” by links:
Primer in English (the first edition)
Download the project leaflet in Ukrainian (2016)