Regional work of the Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production Centre is focused on companies of Kyiv, Vinnytsia, Zaporizhzhia and Odesa regions.
Kyiv region:
- LLC "Keisdarm" (2015)
- LLC "Vip-trans" (2015)
- LLC "Ascania-Flora" (2015)
- LLC "TIP-TOP" (2015)
- A "Vyshnevyi casting-swage plant"(2015)
- PJSC "Plant Construction Industry" (2014)
- SLC "Brovary-Milk" (2014)
- PE "Avto-Aktiv" (2014)
- LLC "Chervoniy Zhovten'" (2014)
- PJSC "Reinforced Concrete Products Factory by S.Kovalska" (2014)
- PJSC "Boguslav Textile Factory" (2013)
- PJSC "Brovary Concrete Plant" (2013)
- SE "Darnytsya Carriges Repair Plant" (2013)
- NTUU "KPI" (Education Building #18, sports complex) (2013)
- "Tripilsky Packing Plant" Ltd. (2013)
- "Firm "Promgaztehnologiya" (2013)
Zhytomyr region:
- LLC "Zhytomyrskyi meat plant" (2015)
- LLC "Zhytomyrskyi plant of roofing and insulating materials" (2015)
Vinnytsia region:
- PJSC "Koziatynkhlib" (2015)
- SE "45 experimental mechanical plant" (2015)
- LLC "Litynskyi meat plant" (2015)
- LLC "Bonus U" (2015)
- PJSC "Hnivanskyi plant of spetszalizobeton" (2015)
- LLC "Viks-Filtron" (2015)
- "Nemyriv Factory of Cooperative Industry" at Nemyriv district consumers' society (2014)
- PJSC "Mogilev-Podolski Machine Building Plant" (2014)
- PrJSC "Kalynivskyi Machine Building Plant" (2014)
- Company "LIME-CENTRE" (2014)
- PE "Yulia" (2014)
- Private farmer Lapteyev (2014)
- PJSC "Mayak" (2013)
- "Vinnitsa Agregatny Plant" Ltd. (2013)
- "Illintsi Sugar Factory" Ltd. (2013)
- SE "Vinnytsiatransprylad" (2013)
- JSC "Harchosmakova Factory" (2013)
- Company "Phoenix"
Zaporizhzhia region:
- SE "Zaporizkyi oblavtodor" (2015)
- Private enterprise production and commercial firm "Polymer" (2015)
- PJSC "Zaporizhzhya Confectionery "ZKF" (2015)
- Zaporizhzhia Municipal Enterprise of City Electric Transport "Zaporizhelektrotrans" (2015)
- PJSC “Hlibozavod #5 Zaporizhzhia” (2015)
- PJSC "Zaporozhogneupor" (2015)
- PJSC "Zaporozhavtomatika" (2014)
- PJSC "Zaporizhzhia Factory of Welding Flux and Glassware" (2014)
- LLC SPC "ROST" (2014)
- MC "International Airport Zaporizhzhia" (2014)
- JSC "Ukrgrafit" (2014, 2015)
Odesa region:
- LLC "Parytet" (2015)
- LLC "Starokozatsky syr" (2015)
- Restaurant "Zucchini" (2015)
- Branch "STATE FOOD" Combine bread, Odesa (2015)
- Aleksandrivska Meet Processing Plant (2014)
- Beliayevskiy Meet Processing Plant (2014)
- "Hamma" Company (2014)
Kharkiv region:
- PJSC "Kharkiv Machine Building Plant "Svitlo shakhtaria" (2015)