The “Greening Economies in the Eastern Neighbourhood” (EaP GREEN) programme is a means for Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries to move towards green economy by decoupling economic growth from environmental degradation and resource depletion. Duration period of the Programme is four years (2013-2016).
EaP GREEN targets six Eastern neighbours of the European Union: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine.
The Programme is structured around three components:
EaP GREEN is financially supported by European Commision and jointly implemented by four international organizations OECD, UNEP, UNECE, and UNIDO. Additional support is provided by other countries, including Austria, Norway, Switzerland, and the Netherlands.
The EaP GREEN programme builds on a multicultural team composed of staff members in all four international organizations, which are participating in the programme. They are economists, policy analysts, statisticians and other support staff.
It is worth mentioning that in Ukraine EaP GREEN is supported by two National Focal Points from Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources and Ministry of Economic Development and Trade.
…that since 1994, UNIDO and UNEP have supported over 50 transition and developing countries in their implementation of cleaner production and resource efficiency.
The UNIDO Regional RECP Demonstration Component Projects are a part of the Regional Action of the European Union to support the greening of economies in the EaP countries.
The UNIDO component supports in each of the six EaP countries individually as well as regionally:
Despite the favourable overall business case, in particular small and medium enterprises (SMEs) face a range of barriers to implementing RECP, including trustworthy information, advisory services, technology and finance.
UNIDO Regional RECP Demonstration Projects can support enterprises with the identification, evaluation, and implementation of appropriate RECP solutions and improve resource productivity and environmental performance of businesses at the national and local levels.
…that key sectors where SMEs have a particularly significant environmental impact include livestock farming, construction, metal finishing, waste treatment, food and drink industry, textile and leather manufacturing.