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Technical consulting


Independent expert assessment of innovations in terms of their competitiveness and consulting support for the implementation of technical solutions for Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production ; help the company to prepare for the certification according to ISO 50001 and ISO 14001.


Services on assessment of resources efficiency and technical consulting:

    • systematic engineering and technological assessment of company operational process based on methodology of preparation of balance sheets of material and energy resources;
    • the development of technical options and recommendations, based on company potential, in particular:
    1. reduction of production cost;
    2. reduction of energy consumption, resources and water per a unit of product;
    3. reductionofwastethroughoptimization of product design;
    4. increase of a share of waste products secondary use in productionprocesses;
    5. reduction of quantity of harmful emissionsand toxic production;
    6. minimization of production andecological risksand increase of labor safety;
    • expert support in introduction of technical solutions aimed at ensuring resource efficient and cleaner production.

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