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Glossary of Terms

Energy Saving - activities (organizational, scientific, practical, info), which is aimed at the rational use and economical consumption of primary and transformed energy and natural energy resources in national economy and which is being implemented with the use of technical, economic and legal methods.

Energy policy - administrative, legal and financial and economic regulation of the extraction, processing, transportation, savings, production, distribution and use of energy resources order to improve their management and economic use.

Fuel and energy resources - the set of all natural and transformed fuels and energy used in the national economy.

Rational use of energy resources - to achieve maximum efficiency in the use of fuel and energy resources at the existing level of technology and technology while reducing human impact on the natural Wednesday.

Fuel and energy resources - a relative reduction in the cost of fuel and energy resources, resulting in a decrease in their unit costs of production, performance of works and provision of services of a certain quality.

Energy-efficient products, technology, equipment - a product or a method, the method of production, to ensure the rational use of energy resources in comparison to other options use or production products of the same consumer-level or with the same technical and economic indicators.

Energy (energy efficiency) activities - activities aimed at the implementation and production of energy-efficient products, technologies and equipment.

Energy Efficiency Project - a project aimed at reducing the power consumption, namely the reconstruction of the networks and systems of delivery, control and metering of water, gas, heat and electricity energy, modernization walling and process technologies.

Energy audit (energy audits) - determine the effectiveness of the use of energy resources and the development of recommendations on its improvement.

Management for Energy Conservation - management system, aimed at ensuring the sustainable use of consumers of energy resources.

Standards specific fuel consumption and energy - regulated by the value of specific consumption of fuel and energy resources for the production process of the product, works and services.

Direct losses of energy resources - loss of energy resources outside the process (due to inefficient use of energy resources)

waste of fuel and energy resources - a systematic, no operational need, not due to the requirements of the technical safety load or use of idling motors, electric furnaces and other electric - and heat equipment; systematic loss of compressed air, water and heat caused by the malfunction of valves, piping, insulation of pipes, furnaces and thermal equipment; failure to comply with regulatory and project documentation regarding insulation constructions and engineering projects, which leads to a decrease in thermal resistance walling, windows and doors during the heating season (kind of irrational use of energy resources).

Irrational (inefficient) use of fuel and energy resources - direct loss of energy resources, and their wasteful use of energy resources in excess of unit costs defined system of standards, and to the introduction of a system of standards - nomes specific consumption of fuel and energy.

Secondary energy resources - the energy potential of products, waste products and intermediates, which is formed in the process units (installation, the process) and is not used in the unit, but may be partially or fully used for energy supply other units (processes).

Alternative and renewable energy sources - sources that there will be persistent or occasionally appear in the environment in the form of streams of solar energy, wind, geothermal, energy Seas , oceans, rivers, and biomass.

Source: ZU "On Energy Saving" (Bulletin of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 1994, N 30, st.283)

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